
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Our Top 10 Tips to Find Success at the Starting Line
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Just recently we passed Valentine's Day where the phrase "love is in the air" was all around us. Since then I've noted another phrase - "race season is in the air" now that our eyes are focused on the hopeful early Spring promised to us by Punxsutawney Phil on Groundhog Day and our stubbornness as runners as we yearn for warmer weather and put an end to the winters that have entrapped us the last few months. Plus, many of us have already registered for our Spring races and know that our training really needs to kick in with warmer weather and less snowy days around us.
With all that - we are here to help!
Audrey and I take a moment to give you our Top 10 list. Similar to the David Letterman "Top 10" lists (please tell me you remember him - Audrey didn't making me feel so old) except for the fact that we didn't count down to number one and our list had one tip with a "Part B" that you won't want to miss. What did I say on air again?! 😮 Don't worry - it was nothing to trigger the "explicit meter" - just something we runners have to talk about.
Instead of just giving you all the tips (that wouldn't be fair - you want to hear them in their context right?) let me share a hint on each one in the following list:
Tip #1: Is there something you need to do minutes before the starting gun fires off?
Tip #2: What is one tip we can learn from the elites to make our starting line experience so much better?
Tip #3: Is there something I can do at the starting line to prevent injury during the race?
Tip #4: How can I prevent the suffering I experience at the starting line, even on those hot days?
Tip #5: How can I prevent those "Oops" moments at the starting line and during my race?
Tip #6: How can I prevent extra stress at the starting line? We already covered a better way to handle the stress a couple tips before - but this tip is to help minimize that stress.
Tip #7: Is there anything I should do to prevent extra stress the first few miles of my race?
Tip #8: DO THIS even if you don't want to (especially for those longer races)
Tip #9: Is there something I can specifically do in my training runs to prepare me for my race?
Tip #9b: Is there something I can do the morning of my race - and on the starting line - to prevent those unwanted urges?
Tip #10: There's one thing that seems counter-intuitive as you prepare for your race. Make sure you take care of this tip to prevent issues during your race.
We are super excited to announce the FREE Pizza PI Race from our sponsor Great 8 Virtual Races! This 3.14 mile race will be held on 3.14 (March 14th)! Come on over to sign up for their free race and find out how you can get a fun t-shirt for cheap. We love their motto of the race to "Burn It - Then Eat It"! Who doesn't love pizza?! And who doesn't love to race? As this is a virtual race you can run it where you want, when you want, and even how you want. Grab a friend and sign up today!
Next, we are still excited for our facelift to our website - motivatemetorun.com! Thank you to all of you that have reached out to us and shared how much you like our new design! Don't forget to check out our site where we share additional information that we want to share (like our Run With Us page where we share our future races hoping we can meet you there) and give us a bit better place to reach out to you. We would love to have you come over and click on Don't Miss an Episode (or just click here) where you can start being notified each time we drop and episode and additionally get that extra information from us (like race coupon codes and more!) to give you that extra bit of motivation.
Thank you again for joining us on another episode and we hope this quick list provided you with the tips you need to have your best experience yet on the starting line of your next race. Please always feel free to reach out to us with your own questions of what you would like us to cover by writing us at alex@motivatemetorun.com or come to our Contact Us page and let us know!
Come check us out on Twitter (@motivatemetorun), come join us in our Motivate Me To Run group on Facebook, get updates at our Motivate Me To Run page on Facebook, and even our show notes at motivatemetorun.com. If you have any questions you would like me to cover then email me at alex@motivatemetorun.com.
Finally - if you have appreciated this or any of our episodes, we would love to have you stop by iTunes and leave your all-favorable review! This will give us even more access to big name guests, sponsors with amazing giveaways, and more! Leaving a review will get us that much closer towards those goals! I’ll thank you in advance!
Thank you for listening and look forward to catching up with you next time!
Happy Running!
Coach Alex (RRCA certified running coach) and Audrey

Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
This week we are excited to talk to someone that has special meaning to Alex (me). If you recall, I started my fitness and weight loss journey with a major change in my diet and the addition of running just over five years ago. Today our guest was one of those people that were so instrumental to my journey - being someone that was willing to give support, an encouraging word, and help answer my questions from the very start. And I wanted to thank him on our show and hear more about his own running journey.
There is so much in our running that teaches us and instructs us in life. I share how my past week reminded me so much of a bad training run. I pushed through, grew through the struggle, and am wiser because of it. If you've had a bad training run (who hasn't) you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.
We continue our new interview format with "On The Run With..." where we sit back and take some time with each person we talk to, as if we were just out for a fun run with them. These episodes are a little longer depending on how much time our guest is willing to share with us. Some podcasts only feature what the rest of the world calls "experts". Our podcast, will at times feature those same individuals, but we want to feature an "expert" in a different light. Each runner we encounter is an expert in their own light.
Here are just a few of the great things you'll get out of Chris' interview!
- Chris shares his own start to his running and the person that inspired him to start running. Here's what's cool - many of us have that same type of person in our life. My question to you is how can you be that person for someone else?
- Chris shares about all the types of races he has run - from marathons, to triathlons (can you say Ironman?!), and 50Ks.
- We hear about what we all experience - when you start running you won't have it all figured out. We talk about all the different resources we have as runners. And don't forget having one another in person as well!
- Chris has done a lot helping new runners at his workplace. He shares some of the programs.
- You won't want to miss out on his Facebook group Run 2B Strong. He shares that part of his motivation in starting this group is building a strong mind as running requires mental toughness. Come find out how to be a more mentally (and physically) stronger runner.
- Alex shares the David Goggins book, Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds, where he shares how he mentally ran a 100-mile race on only three miles of training in six months (not recommended) as he prepared for a charitable race. We shared this book not to encourage you to do the same but to show how the mind really can limit what we are capable of (again, mental toughness).
- Chris shares about a 50-mile race that he attempted and DNFed (Did Not Finish). He shares many of his lessons learned. Hint: time on your feet is important for training.
- Chris shares how he became a pacer and why he did so.
- Chris shares a very special situation where he gets to run with his daughter. She is autistic and non-verbal. What's great is she loves the thrill of moving and especially when she gets to run with daddy. Chris recently purchased a special-needs stroller and has been able to enjoy a number of races with her (their first Mount Nebo half marathon - pictured). You will really want to hear about how that race went! Don't miss Chris' Facebook group Running With Lily where he shares pictures of their latest races and more!
- And much, much more!
Next, we are so excited for our new website - motivatemetorun.com! This site will allow us to post additional information that we want to share (like our Run With Us page where we share our future races hoping we can meet you there) and give us a bit better place to reach out to you. We would love to have you come over and click on Don't Miss an Episode (or just click here) where you can start being notified each time we drop and episode and additionally get that extra information from us (like race coupon codes and more!) to give you that extra bit of motivation.
Finally, we check in with Chris on our final three questions that we ask each of our guests on our show:
- What has been your favorite race?
- What is your favorite running tip?
- What and when is your next race?
We really encourage you to check out our sponsor, Audible. Even though January isn't yet over, I'm listening to my fourth audiobook (love them on my runs and my commute) and my third running audiobook at that! Find out how you can get one book for free (with two Amazon Originals) just by signing up for their free trial. Plus, if you sign up now, you still have enough time to complete their Audible Challenge 2020 (or new members and current subscribers alike) where just for listening to three books of three hours or longer you can receive a $20 Amazon gift card. I just received notice that I have earned mine! 😆
Thank you again for joining us "on the run" and loving every moment of this episode! Thank you so much to Chris for taking his own time to share with us as well! If you are interested in coming on our show, please write us at alex@motivatemetorun.com or come to our Contact Us page and let us know!
Come check us out on Twitter (@motivatemetorun), come join us in our Motivate Me To Run group on Facebook, get updates at our Motivate Me To Run page on Facebook, and even our show notes at motivatemetorun.com. If you have any questions you would like me to cover then email me at alex@motivatemetorun.com.
Finally - if you have appreciated this or any of our episodes, we would love to have you stop by iTunes and leave your all-favorable review! This will give us even more access to big name guests, sponsors with amazing giveaways, and more! Leaving a review will get us that much closer towards those goals! I’ll thank you in advance!
Thank you for listening and look forward to catching up with you next time!
Happy Running!
Coach Alex (RRCA certified running coach) and Audrey
P.S. Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links with the hope that by using them you might support this podcast. Thank you in advance!

Monday Jan 20, 2020
On The Run With Cassie: How She Struggled Through Her Last 10K
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
We had a fun time recording our first interview this week! Sure, we had a technical issue (Alex's mic was off) but we made the most of it. Isn't that what you do when you have a run or race that doesn't go your way? You get over it, you keep pushing on, and finish, no matter what it takes (excepting injury - but thankfully I wasn't injured 🤣).
Our new interview format is "On The Run With..." where we sit back and take some time with each person we talk to, as if we were just out for a fun run with them. These episodes are a little longer depending on how much time our guest is willing to share with us. Some podcasts only feature what the rest of the world calls "experts". Our podcast, will at times feature those same individuals, but we want to feature an "expert" in a different light. Each runner we encounter is an expert in their own light. For example, Cassie shares with us some incredible motivational tips for all of us through her experiences and struggles she has had through her years of running.
We start off with me thanking Audrey for her encouragement this week. I (Alex) am usually bound up in my home and stuck on my treadmill throughout the winter as my fear of slipping and injuring myself outweighed my love of being outside. If that describes you, then no worries as I know the struggle is real! But for a few different reasons, I wanted to change it up this year and set the goal to run outside no matter the temperature - as long as the roads were dry. Feel free to leave a comment on our site telling me I'm a wimp; I'm ok with that. 😁 But this week with two snowstorms, Audrey encouraged me to come along and enjoy the snow - and I did. It was such a blast to get out and the conditions were perfect! She really helped motivate me to step a bit outside of my comfort zone. I did and I loved it!
Next, we are so excited for our new website - motivatemetorun.com! This site will allow us to post additional information that we want to share (like our Run With Us page where we share our future races hoping we can meet you there) and give us a bit better place to reach out to you. We would love to have you come over and click on Don't Miss an Episode (or just click here) where you can start being notified each time we drop and episode and additionally get that extra information from us (like race coupon codes and more!) to give you that extra bit of motivation.
I won't break down the whole interview with Cassie here, but we really encourage you to listen in on the discussion!
- She shares so much about how she struggles with her hypothyroidism (low thyroid) as it makes everything she does physically so much more difficult - not to mention how much more difficult losing weight is for her.
- She digs into how other health issues prevents her from training like she wants
- We work through the differing personalities of runners and showing how runners who don't always "check each and every box in their training plan" (she asks, "What checkboxes?!" 😉) can have just as much fun as their Type A friends.
- Although she may struggle with her training she shares how she still makes racing (the 10K is one of her favorite distances) a part of her life
- She shares a tip on what keeps her going. For just a hint, she mentions that it's something I've shared on this podcast before.
- Cassie shares that she has a complicated relationship with running. But that conflicted motivation keeps her going and she doesn't give up. Ever.
- We break down Cassie's approach in races, especially when her training has been less than what she expects would be sufficient for a race. Huge note here, for these races although she doesn't feel like she should be on the starting line, she is, still has a blast, and enjoys the experience!
- Cassie really gets into the idea on the differing types of people you'll find at your next race. Getting to the starting line can be difficult with us sometimes thinking that "we don't fit in". But we all do - all of us are there with the goals of enjoying that race and making the most of it, no matter our specific goals. And yes, walkers, run/walkers, even to the speediest all can run on the same course and have fun at the same time!
- Cassie shares that speed walking is something she is really excited to try. She speed walks faster than some people run and can definitely distance herself when she speed walks her with husband.
- Hear her huge announcement on the Dopey Challenge (a race held each year at Walt Disney World Resort where you run a 5K on Thursday, a 10K on Friday, a half marathon on Saturday, and marathon on Sunday) and her current thoughts on how she would break it down and work for her.
- What does she listen to when running? And why?
- And much, much more!
Finally, we check in with her on our final three questions that we'll ask to each of our guests on our show:
- What has been your favorite race?
- What is your favorite running tip?
- What and when is your next race?
We really encourage you to check out our sponsor, Audible. Even though January isn't yet over, I'm listening to my fourth audiobook (love them on my runs and my commute) and my third running audiobook at that! Find out how you can get one book for free (with two Amazon Originals) just by signing up for their free trial. Plus, if you sign up now, you still have enough time to complete their Audible Challenge 2020 (or new members and current subscribers alike) where just for listening to three books of three hours or longer you can receive a $20 Amazon gift card. You know I'm going to get mine! 😆
Thank you again for joining us "on the run" and loving every moment of this episode! If you've read this far or have already heard the episode, you'll find out soon that Cassie is my lovely wife and Audrey's most awesome mom! Thank you so much to her for taking her time to share with us! If you are interested in coming on our show, please write us at alex@motivatemetorun.com or come to our Contact Us page and let us know!
Come check us out on Twitter (@motivatemetorun), come join us in our Motivate Me To Run group on Facebook, get updates at our Motivate Me To Run page on Facebook, and even our show notes at motivatemetorun.com. If you have any questions you would like me to cover then email me at alex@motivatemetorun.com.
Finally - if you have appreciated this or any of our episodes, we would love to have you stop by iTunes and leave your all-favorable review! This will give us even more access to big name guests, sponsors with amazing giveaways, and more! Leaving a review will get us that much closer towards those goals! I’ll thank you in advance!
Thank you for listening and look forward to catching up with you next time!
Happy Running!
Coach Alex (RRCA certified running coach) and Audrey
P.S. Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links with the hope that by using them you might support this podcast. Thank you in advance!

Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Sharing Our Favorite Running (And Other) Related Books From 2019
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
We had a lot of fun sharing our favorite running (and other) related book we read in 2019. Note, these are just a sampling of the books but some of our favorites. You'll want to listen in on the details and what we loved about them. If you see my running pic and wonder why it's the episode photo, it's because I'm wearing my Aftershokz headphones as I read the rest of my next book; I would share which one I was listening to, but since this pic is from 2020 you'll have to wait until next year to get that list. :)
I'm not sure if you can tell, but reading is a huge deal in our home. We had to cut out so many books shared in this episode and even shared below. If you want a more full list, I encourage you to contact me and I can fill you in on more either from myself or Audrey.
Before I share that full list, you'll want to check out our sponsor, Audible, where you can get a trial membership for 30 days and then jump into the Audible Challenge 2020 (for new and current members) where if you read (listen to) 3 books of 3 hours or more by March 3rd (get it - 3/3 by 3/3?!) you can get a free $20 Amazon gift card! I'm already halfway there and my books are much longer than 3 hours. :) I love listening to audiobooks and find that Audible gives me immediate access to the books I want to listen to. When I'm done with my "book from the month" I just jump back over and listen to podcasts the rest of the month. Funny thing is I never run out of things to listen to.
In the meantime, here's just a short sample of some of the books you heard about in our episode:

I invite you to send any book recommendations to me so I can add them to my list for 2020. Make sure to email me at alex@motivatemetorun.com!
Come check us out on Twitter (@motivatemetorun), come join us in our Motivate Me To Run group on Facebook, get updates at our Motivate Me To Run page on Facebook, and even our show notes at motivatemetorun.com. If you have any questions you would like me to cover then email me at alex@motivatemetorun.com.
Finally - if you have appreciated this or any of our episodes, we would love to have you stop by iTunes and leave your all-favorable review! This will give us even more access to big name guests, sponsors with amazing giveaways, and more! Leaving a review will get us that much closer towards those goals! I’ll thank you in advance!
Thank you for listening and look forward to catching up with you next time!
Happy Running!
Coach Alex (RRCA certified running coach) and Audrey
P.S. Please note that many of the links above are affiliate links with the hope that by using them you might support this podcast. Thank you in advance!

Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Introducing My New Co-Host and Her Favorite Running Tip
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
I can't believe it's been so long since our last episode but want to thank each of you that have contacted me asking how I have been doing and where I was at. In sum, I was injured soon after my last recorded podcast and found it difficult to keep up with all the cross training, life, and more and after a full year consisting of recovery and even more races I am back and ready to keep sharing and encouraging you in your own running journey.
But I have a special treat - I now have a co-host that I'm excited to introduce. Audrey, my lovely daughter, has been running for a number of years and has run a number of half marathons, placed as 10th woman in her most recent trail half marathon, and has just completed her first marathon - all before getting her drivers license. :) I really loved this episode as some of her most recent experiences have been so encouraging and motivating to me and I hope they are the same for you.
Plus Audrey shares one of her favorite tips that can really help you with your next race. I don't want to spoil the surprise, but it touches on how you approach your race and making sure you mentally approach it in such a way that you'll be even more successful the next time you toe the starting line.
I invite you to send your own questions in that you might want address in a future episode. Make sure to email me at alex@motivatemetorun.com and you just might find your question - and my answer - available for everyone to hear! I encourage you to follow much of Linda's format as she provided a lot of information in just a short email as that helps provide more context and makes it easier to me respond to your direct needs!
Come check us out on Twitter (@motivatemetorun), come join us in our Motivate Me To Run group on Facebook, get updates at our Motivate Me To Run page on Facebook, and even our show notes at motivatemetorun.com. If you have any questions you would like me to cover then email me at alex@motivatemetorun.com.
Finally - if you have appreciated this or any of our episodes, we would love to have you stop by iTunes and leave your all-favorable review! This will give us even more access to big name guests, sponsors with amazing giveaways, and more! Leaving a review will get us that much closer towards those goals! I’ll thank you in advance!
Thank you for listening and look forward to catching up with you next time!
Happy Running!
Coach Alex (RRCA certified running coach) and Audrey

Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Ask Coach: Questions From A New Runner
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
This past week I received an email from Linda. She's a new runner (just started running in November) and has already run her first 5K. She is doing so many things right and is excited about her training for her next race. With that, she had some questions as she continues in her training and in setting her next set of goals. I invite you to listen in as I work through her questions and provide feedback as she continues pushing ahead.
Whether you're taking your first step or searching after your next race, there's likely some tips you can glean from this conversation. Here's just a quick sampling of questions addressed in this episode:
- What's the best way to progress to my next race distance?
- What type of goals should I set for my first race at a certain distance?
- Do you have any tips on how I know I'm progressing too slow or too fast in my training?
- Should I increase the length of each training run by a couple of minutes or is there a better way?
- Is there anything I need to do other than run?
- What is one tip you might encourage to help prevent overtraining?
I invite you to send your own questions in that you might want address in a future episode. Make sure to email me at alex@motivatemetorun.com and you just might find your question - and my answer - available for everyone to hear! I encourage you to follow much of Linda's format as she provided a lot of information in just a short email as that helps provide more context and makes it easier to me respond to your direct needs!
We appreciate our sponsor - Great 8 Virtual Races. As they prepare to launch their next race in the Run Across America series, they want to offer you a special deal to catch up and be ready for this next race. As such, you can sign up for a two-fer deal - or rather, get two races fer the price of one. Don't forget, when you sign up, you'll receive a beautiful, full colored Tyvek bib. Once you submit your time you'll receive 3.5" medals to celebrate your achievement! To sign up (or get more information), head over to the Run Across America: California link and choose the bundle. What better way to kick off your year than running two races (choose a 5K/10K/half marathon all for the same price) and getting ready for your third?
Come check us out on Twitter (@motivatemetorun), come join us in our Motivate Me To Run group on Facebook, get updates at our Motivate Me To Run page on Facebook, and even our show notes at motivatemetorun.com. If you have any questions you would like me to cover then email me at alex@motivatemetorun.com.
Finally - if you have appreciated this or any of our episodes, we would love to have you stop by iTunes and leave your all-favorable review! This will give us even more access to big name guests, sponsors with amazing giveaways, and more! Leaving a review will get us that much closer towards those goals! I’ll thank you in advance!
Thank you for listening and look forward to catching up with you next time!
Happy Running!
Coach Alex - RRCA certified running coach

Sunday Feb 17, 2019
How Would You Answer This Question?
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
As a running coach, I get questions all the time on from runners of all experience levels and I LOVE taking the time to answer them. There was one specific question that I recently saw in a Facebook group for a local running group that I wanted to pass on to you and get your response. Am I right in the way I responded or would you have answered differently?
I invite you to download this week's episode and take us along on your next run. Then check out our past episodes to learn even more!
This is another episode following our Motivation Mile format, meaning that we want to share with you the motivation you need, encourage you on your way, and provide those critical running tips to help you on your own running journey – all in the time it takes to run a mile. And if you're wondering, we do answer all those questions during our short mile.
We appreciate our sponsor - Great 8 Virtual Races. As they prepare to launch their next race in the Run Across America series, they want to offer you a special deal to catch up and be ready for this next race. As such, you can sign up for a two-fer deal - or rather, get two races fer the price of one. Don't forget, when you sign up, you'll receive a beautiful, full colored Tyvek bib. Once you submit your time you'll receive 3.5" medals to celebrate your achievement! To sign up (or get more information), head over to the Run Across America: California link and choose the bundle. What better way to kick off your year than running two races (choose a 5K/10K/half marathon all for the same price) and getting ready for your third?
Come check us out on Twitter (@motivatemetorun), come join us in our Motivate Me To Run group on Facebook, get updates at our Motivate Me To Run page on Facebook, and even our show notes at motivatemetorun.com. If you have any questions you would like me to cover then email me at alex@motivatemetorun.com.
Finally - if you have appreciated this or any of our episodes, we would love to have you stop by iTunes and leave your all-favorable review! This will give us even more access to big name guests, sponsors with amazing giveaways, and more! Leaving a review will get us that much closer towards those goals! I’ll thank you in advance!
Thank you for listening and look forward to catching up with you next time!
Happy Running!
Coach Alex - RRCA certified running coach

Sunday Feb 03, 2019
One Key Metric To Help Prevent Overtraining
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
We all know that running is a stress to your body. But as we all have been taught from our youth, too much of a good thing can be harmful or lead to negative results. This is no less true for running.
In today's episode, we review what overtraining is to help establish why we want to avoid it. It might sound intuitive, but if you don't understand what you're trying to avoid, you just might find yourself not taking seriously the need to avoid it in the first place. And we runners, as umm, err, stubborn as we can sometimes be, really need to understand why it's so important to avoid that dreaded overtraining.
Without just giving you all the information here, we want to encourage you to download this episode to learn that metric and I and my clients use to help prevent overtraining. We step back and break it down to help you know how to measure it (for some it will be extremely easy - for the rest it's still easy just takes a bit more conscious effort). We will also discuss some different reasons that metric can change. And then finally discuss the threshold of change you need to be watching for so you too can avoid overtraining!
We invite you to download this week's episode and take us along on your next run. Then check out our past episodes to learn even more!
This is another episode following our Motivation Mile format, meaning that we want to share with you the motivation you need, encourage you on your way, and provide those critical running tips to help you on your own running journey – all in the time it takes to run a mile. And if you're wondering, we do answer all those questions during our short mile.
We appreciate our sponsor - Great 8 Virtual Races. As we mention in this episode, they have introduced their 2018 Running Tour T-Shirt - an awesome way to share your miles and races from this past year with everyone you meet. This personalized shirt will allow you to share with more than your Strava and social media followers. You put in the blood, the sweat, the tears, and all the work this past year - make sure you showcase it everywhere you go. Make sure to use discount code NEWYEAR (no spaces) for $5 off your shirt - and all shipped free to you!
Come check us out on Twitter (@motivatemetorun), come join us in our Motivate Me To Run group on Facebook, and even our show notes at motivatemetorun.com. If you have any questions you would like me to cover then email me at alex@motivatemetorun.com.
Finally - if you have appreciated this or any of our episodes, we would love to have you stop by iTunes and leave your all-favorable review! This will give us even more access to big name guests, sponsors with amazing giveaways, and more! Leaving a review will get us that much closer towards those goals! I’ll thank you in advance!
Thank you for listening and look forward to catching up with you next time!
Happy Running!
Coach Alex - RRCA certified running coach

Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Five Lessons I Learned From the School of Hard Knocks - Race Edition
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
I admit it. Sometimes the school of hard knocks is the best way to learn a lesson. But let's be honest, there's so many lessons out there to learn that occasionally it's nice to learn from someone else's mistakes.
So that's the approach I tried to take for this episode. True, we already have an episode on some top tips for your next race. But as I'm gearing up for my first race in 2019 (the Phoenix Marathon - will any of you be there? If so let me know!) and dwelling on some of these "school of hard knock lessons", I knew I had to share them to keep you from experiencing some of the same pain I have in the past.
I don't want to spoil your learning by just posting them here, but here's some tips of what you can expect:
- Remember something you just might forget when getting out the door in those early morning hours before your race. I know I did - and paid for it later.
- Maybe you don't know this is something you can and should do to help you stay comfortable before your run. Plus one rule you really need to follow if you do.
- Think baby steps are only for your running goals? Apply baby steps to this tip and have even more fun at your next race!
- When you can't control the uncontrollable, maybe you can bring your own to make sure you have what you need.
- If you don't do this you'll regret it months or even years later.
Finally - if you have any you've learned from your own "school of hard knocks", I encourage you to reach out and share. Your tip just might wind up on our next podcast episode!
We invite you to download this week's episode and take us along on your next run. Then check out our past episodes to learn even more!
This is another episode following our Motivation Mile format, meaning that we want to share with you the motivation you need, encourage you on your way, and provide those critical running tips to help you on your own running journey – all in the time it takes to run a mile. And if you're wondering, we do answer all those questions during our short mile.
Finally, we appreciate our sponsor - Great 8 Virtual Races. As we mention in this episode, they have introduced their 2018 Running Tour T-Shirt - an awesome way to share your miles and races from this past year with everyone you meet. This personalized shirt will allow you to share with more than your Strava and social media followers. You put in the blood, the sweat, the tears, and all the work this past year - make sure you showcase it everywhere you go. Make sure to use discount code NEWYEAR (no spaces) for $5 off your shirt - and all shipped free to you!
Come check us out on Twitter (@motivatemetorun), come join us in our Motivate Me To Run group on Facebook, and even our show notes at motivatemetorun.com. If you have any questions you would like me to cover then email me at alex@motivatemetorun.com.
Thank you for listening and look forward to catching up with you next time!
Happy Running!
Coach Alex - RRCA certified running coach

Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
How To Be A Butt Kicking Machine In 2019
Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
Wednesday Jan 02, 2019
The beginning of the year is a great time to be a runner. First you can look back over your just completed year and relish in each and every mile you have run and relish those races you finished. But even better, it seems, is the possibilities that a new year brings! No matter how your prior year turned out, a new year allows you to dream and wonder how much faster and stronger you can be.
But there's a small problem that can happen as soon as you start to dream. In this episode we work through that with some guidance on how best to think of a new year, how to properly set your goals, and what you can do now to be even healthier and stronger at the end of this year than the one you just finished.
You won't want to miss these four tips that you can implement now to do just that.
We invite you to download this week's episode and take us along on your next run. Then check out our past episodes to learn even more!
This is another episode following our Motivation Mile format, meaning that we want to share with you the motivation you need, encourage you on your way, and provide those critical running tips to help you on your own running journey – all in the time it takes to run a mile. And if you're wondering, we do answer all those questions during our short mile.
Finally, we appreciate our sponsor - Great 8 Virtual Races. As we mention in this episode, they have introduced their 2018 Running Tour T-Shirt - an awesome way to share your miles and races from this past year with everyone you meet. This personalized shirt will allow you to share with more than your Strava and social media followers. You put in the blood, the sweat, the tears, and all the work this past year - make sure you showcase it everywhere you go. Make sure to use discount code NEWYEAR (no spaces) for $5 off your shirt - and all shipped free to you!
Come check us out on Twitter (@motivatemetorun), come join us in our Motivate Me To Run group on Facebook, and even our show notes at motivatemetorun.com. If you have any questions you would like me to cover then email me at alex@motivatemetorun.com.
Thank you for listening and look forward to catching up with you next time!
Happy Running!
Coach Alex - RRCA certified running coach